Monday, September 17, 2012

FHE Idea (& mistake #6)

I am rereading a book called "25 Mistakes LDS Parents Make", by Randal A. Wright (Find the book here). Whether or not you are LDS, this book is amazing for parenting. Especially if you're trying to raise children to have morals & standards, which is very difficult to do these days. There were SO many situations/ideas in this book that I had never even thought of. I absolutely recommend it to everyone. I was recently reading mistake number 6, which says "Failure to teach children how to deal with the tremendous pressures they will face", & I was really inspired by a story the author shared. He was driving to an amusement park with his daughter, wife, and his daughter's friend. He kept talking about a huge roller coaster he wanted to take them on. His wife and daughter's friend were adamant saying they would not go on the ride. His daughter, however, was hesitant even though she said "no", & he could sense that hesitation in her. He continued to peer pressure her until she gave in & went on the ride. OK you might be thinking "what does that story have to do with anything!". But then he makes a really really insightful connection, YOU MUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND BEFORE TEMPTATION COMES & THEN BE FIRM WHEN IT DOES COME. His wife & daughter's friend had decided that they were not going on the coaster. They made their minds up before, & no amount of pressure was going to make them change their mind. His daughter, however, wasn't sure, she didn't really want to go, but she hadn't made her mind up. Which is why he was able to persuade her to give into the pressure. When our children are faced with peer pressure, they need to KNOW what they are going to say & do beforehand. They need to commit, and make up their minds TODAY about what they will & won't do. If a child isn't sure about whether or not they want to smoke, it'll be easier for others to convince them that it's a good idea. Even if they are taught that smoking is wrong, & bad. Children need practice at saying "no". They need support from family BEFORE situations that could make them waver on their values ever occur. Even as adults we still face pressure, this is just as applicable to. We need to know who we are, what we stand for, & what we will & won't do. So for tonight's FHE (Family Home Evening) lesson I made certificates for us to make promises. I'm really excited to do this, not just for the kids, but for myself! I want to write down my promises too. I want to be even more committed to living my life to the fulness of the Gospel standards. I also want to be a good example for my child. I want him to know that I'm not willing give into pressure from others & change my standards. Hopefully if he sees this it will be easier for him to stand strong when pressured too.

I think some of my promises will be to always keep the sabbath day holy, never swear (that'll take some skill & will power!), keep the Word of Wisdom, & never lie (never ever about anything! Or anyone!).

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